The SDA has a long and proud history of advocating for improvements to working conditions and entitlements legislation designed to ensure all workers are given equal opportunity in the workplace. The SDA is committed to equality in all aspects of employment and the prevention and elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

The SDA is committed to gender equality in all aspects of employment including access to rewarding ongoing employment and career development, access to flexible working arrangements which value and accommodate family and caring responsibilities and access to equal pay and remuneration.

The SDA advocates on behalf of members at work, with companies at a national level and with government to improve the rights and entitlements of working women.  The SDA has always been active in advancing the rights of women with respect to:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Unpaid parental leave
  • Paid parental leave
  • Pregnancy at work
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Equal pay and remuneration
  • Carer’s leave
  • Superannuation
  • Insecure work
  • Childcare and Family Payments

Our work also extends beyond issues most prevalent to women. The SDA is committed to achieving equality for all workers and we advocate on behalf of members with respect to discrimination on the basis of other attributes such as disability, age, race, colour, religion and sexual orientation.

SDA WGEA Report 2021